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Urine: Catheter, Midstream & 24 hour

Prerequisite Skills

Universal precautions, aseptic technique

Critical Element Criteria

Students must meet criteria of Critical Elements to safely perform the skill based on evidence-based practice. Score can be pass/fail, letter grade, or point assignment. Only acceptable score for Critical Elements is 100%

Critical Elements

  • Containers for procedure should be single-use and sterile.
  • Maintain aseptic/sterile technique throughout.
  • Perform hand hygiene before and after procedure.


Procedure for Catheter Collection


Procedure for Midstream Collection


Procedure for 24 hour Collection

Prior to Treatment: (Critical Thinking)

  • Determine need for procedure.
  • Gather equipment: clean gloves; sterile collection container, ice (if indicated), alcohol wipe, cleaning pads, washcloth and soap, collection hat, syringe with blunt-tipped needle.

Prior to Treatment: (Critical Thinking)

  • Determine need for procedure.
  • Gather equipment: clean gloves; sterile collection container, alcohol wipe, cleaning pads, washcloth and soap.

Prior to Treatment: (Critical Thinking)

  • Determine need for procedure.
  • Gather equipment: clean gloves, dark, sterile collection container, ice (if indicated), collection hat, signage (if indicated).

Patient Interaction: (Safety)

  • Explain procedure.
  • Confirm allergies.
  • Wash hands.
  • Organize equipment.

Patient Interaction: (Safety)

  • Explain procedure.
  • Confirm allergies.
  • Wash hands.
  • Organize equipment.

Patient Interaction: (Safety)

  • Explain procedure.
  • Confirm allergies.
  • Wash hands.
  • Organize equipment.

Steps of the Procedure (Infection Control)

  1. Apply clean gloves.
  2. Clamp or kink off the drainage tubing near the urinary catheter. Remove lid from container ensuring to keep the inside and lid from contamination.
  3. Cleanse aspirator port with alcohol wipe (or per policy) allowing port to air dry.
  4. Insert the blunt tipped needle into the port. Slowly aspirate enough urine for specimen culture (about 5 mL). Remove the needle from port.
  5. Slowly inject the urine into the specimen container, replace the lid and dispose of the needle and syringe appropriately.
  6. Place the lid on the container and label container with patients name, date, time and person collecting specimen.
  7. Place container in biohazard bag.

Steps of the Procedure (Infection Control)

  1. Procedure explanation should include use of hand hygiene before and after procedure, wiping front to back with moist towelette. Uncircumcised men should retract the foreskin and clean well.
  2. Have patient void about 25 mL of urine into toilet, stop stream and deposit 10 to 20 mL into sterile container. Remaining urine can be voided into toilet. Do not touch the inside of the container.
  3. Have patient place the lid on the container. Don gloves and label container with patients name, date, time and person collecting specimen.
  4. Place container in biohazard bag.

Steps of the Procedure (Infection Control)

  1. Procedure explanation should include importance of collecting every drop of urine for the next 24 hour or the test will have to be repeated.
  2. Have the patient completely empty his/her bladder.
  3. Note the day/time and from that point for the next 24 hours.
  4. Collect all urine in hat in the toilet (or within a Foley bag). Keep urine cold by placing in a dark container on ice.
  5. After 24 hours, have the patient empty bladder, collecting urine and placing it in the dark, cold container.
  6. Post signage as a reminder that test is in progress.

After Procedure (Patient Centered Care, Safety)

  • Straighten room making patient comfortable, replace call light.
  • Wash hands before leaving room.
  • Transport specimen to the lab as soon as possible. Refrigerate if unable.
  • Document specimen sent, odor, amount (if known), color, and clarity of urine.

After Procedure (Patient Centered Care, Safety)

  • Straighten room making patient comfortable, replace call light.
  • Wash hands before leaving room.
  • Transport specimen to the lab as soon as possible. Refrigerate if unable.
  • Document specimen sent, odor, amount (if known), color, and clarity of urine.

After Procedure (Patient Centered Care, Safety)

  • Straighten room making patient comfortable, replace call light.
  • Wash hands before leaving room.
  • Transport specimen to the lab as soon as possible. Refrigerate if unable.
  • Document specimen sent, odor, amount (if known), color, and clarity of urine.