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General Reference

Nejm 2000;343:938; 1997;337:1604

Pathophys and Cause

Cause:Perhaps autoimmune; perhaps precipitated by EB virus infection (Jama 2005;293:2496; 2003;289:1533; 2002;286:3083). Genetic component indicated by 25% concordance with monozygotic twins but only 2% with dizygotic twins and siblings (Nejm 1986;315:1638)

Pathophys:Autoimmune attack of myelin basic protein by CD4 or CD8 T cells (Nejm 2006;354:943) or by tumor necrosis factor-alpha.gif, which is measurable in CSF (Nejm 1991;325:467). Axonal demyelination and ultimately transection (Nejm 1998;338:278)


Transmissible somehow (eg, Faroe Island epidemic after WWII troop occupation); increased incidence with birth and/or childhood distance from equator; equal sex ratios, although females get at younger age; onset at age 10-50 yr, bell-shaped curve; 1/1000 of population have disease (probably tip of carriers). Higher incidence at higher latitudes even w same populations probably due to vit D levels (Jama 2006;296:2832)

Signs and Symptoms

Sx: Motor (most often ataxia) nearly always hyperreflexia and positive Babinski's; and sensory tract (most often visual) sx, confusion, depression


Diagnose by 2 or more attacks of neurologic deficits in different parts of CNS that last >24 h, not by CSF or MRI lesions (Nejm 1993;329:1764, 1808)

Loss of abdominal reflexes early, in contrast to ALS

Lhermitte's si: electric shock sensation to extremities with neck flexion (posterior column stretch); r/o any disease involving cervical or thoracic cord


Worse with hot climate, late onset; slightly fewer relapses in pregnancy and slightly more relapses postpartum (Nejm 1998;339:285); 25% are benign, with 1-2 episodes and minimal disability



Pain, neuralgia including trigeminal (Nejm 1969;280:1395)

Optic neuritis; 40% of MS pts will have it sometime; up to 75% of women and 34% of men with isolated optic neuritis will develop MS up to 15 yr later (Neurol 1988;38:185)

Lab and Xray


CSF:Oligoclonal bands (90%), present throughout disease; IgG/albumin ratio elevated (70%); positive antimyelin antibodies (2 types) 77% sens, 95% specif when both pos? (Nejm 2003;349:139 vs 2007;352:371)

Noninv:Brain stem evoked potentials, no false positives except for other similar diseases like Friedreich's ataxia; ~10% false negatives in early MS

Xray:MRI, 25% false negatives (Neurol 1993;43:905; Jama 1993;269:3146), and many false positives



Avoid flu shots in pts w definite MS

of remitting/relapsing (not chronic progressive):

of progressive MS: mtx, cyclophosphamide, cyclosporine

of acute attack: (hyperbaric and plasmapheresis rx no longer thought useful)

of incontinence (Incontinence)

of neuralgias, with carbamazepine, phenytoin (Nejm 1969;280:1395)

of muscle spasms (Med Let 1997;39:62; Nejm 1981;304:29, 95), in order of efficacy: