Cause:Genetic predisposition? or trauma
Pathophys:Anterior tibial compartment claudication from congenitally or traumatically edematous small compartment, which prevents normal vascular engorgement of exercising muscles
Sx:Anterior shin pain, esp if walking on heels, usually bilateral. Relief by walking on toes or resting; can run ok
Si:BP can be auscultated after exercise over dorsalis pedis pulse without BP cuff. Muscle hernias through anterior fascial compartment
Ischemic necrosis of anterior tibial muscles possible even without pain
r/o SHIN SPLINTS caused by periostitis and microfractures of bone; bone scan is positive; more frequent in osteoporotic athletes (Ann IM 1990;113:754); rx by discontinuation of running trauma
Acute anterior compartment syndrome after trauma, w acute swelling, which if not relieved surgically can lead to ischemic death of anterior compartment muscles