Nejm 2009;360:784; Wm Maxwell 1/98
Rx:Prevent w short-term topical premarin cream bid
- 1st, direct pressure, pinching nasal septum
- 2nd, pack nose w cotton strips soaked w topical anesthesia + vasoconstrictor (4% cocaine does both) or simply OTC vasoconstrictor (Afrin, Zicam)
- 3rd, cauterize w silver nitrate or electric cautery
- 4th, pack, leave anterior packs in place 3 d, posteriors 5 d, w
- Vaseline strip gauze anteriorly, or Merocel pack, or Gelfoam, or Rapid Rhino
- Balloon pack (Nozstop, etc), in anterior nose and in nasopharynx
- Posterior pack or Foley catheters
Refer to ENT if bleeding persists for internal maxillary artery ligation