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General Reference

Nejm 2006;355:1048; 1991;325:991

Pathophys and Cause

Cause:A somatic mutation of PIG-A gene on the X chromosome in a hematopoietic stem cell (Nejm 1994;330:249)


(Ann IM 1999;131:467; Nejm 1990;323:1184) Somatic mutation clonal deficiency in rbc membranes as well as megakaryocyte and myeloid series; 2 cell populations, lysed cells are young, survivors are normal. Rbc's of normals transfused into PNH patients survive; PNH cells transfused to normal, lyse. Lysis due to C'3 inhibitor absence (DAF or decay acceleration factor) from cell surface because the absent protein normally glues C' inhibitor and other proteins to cell surface membrane (Nejm 1994;330:249).

Periodic massive hemolysis causes hemoglobinuria; correlates with sleep and with local acidosis (increased C'3 activity with slight decreases in pH).

Thrombosis, multiple microscopic and gross, perhaps due to lipid from rbc broken down membrane (thromboplastin) or platelets lysed and/or activated by C'3 system (Nejm 1972;286:180)


Rare; onset usually age 20-40 yr

Signs and Symptoms


Weakness; pain (microthrombi) in lumbar back, chest, abdomen

Dark urine in the morning from hemoglobinuria; present initially in 50% adults, 15% under age 20 yr; eventually 65% under age 20 yr develop it. Aspirin can precipitate attack

Si:Unexplained hemolytic anemia or Fe deficiency; occasionally splenomegaly; occasionally icterus


(Nejm 1995;333:1253) Chronic, median survival = 10 yr, 15% spontaneously remit; death from venous thrombosis, bleeding, or renal failure


r/o cold hemoglobinuria (IgG antibody fixes to rbc in cold and lyses when warmed, causing gangrene of digits and extremities; common in tertiary syphilis)

Lab and Xray


Chem:LDH elevated, from rbc's; AST (SGOT) increased, from liver damage

Hem:Plasma brown with methemalbumin; pancytopenia with low alk phos in polys; macrocytosis (decreased folate); hypochromia (Fe loss in urine); retics increased to 10-16%

Path: Renal biopsy shows Fe deposits

Urine:Intermittent hemoglobinuria, persistent hemosiderinuria from tubular cells; positive for Fe by nitroprusside blue; UUB >1/64

