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General Reference

Jama 1983;249:23

Pathophys and Cause

Cause:Trichinella spiralis

Pathophys:Invasion of skeletal (not heart) muscle by worms, degeneration of invaded fiber causing inflammatory reaction, and finally encysted larvae (in all other tissues this reaction kills larvae)


Life cycle: infection on ingestion of meat w cysts, hatch and reproduce for 6 wk in gi mucosa, living young born and many get into skeletal muscle where grow and encyst, some calcify, and others remain viable for years

From pigs fed uncooked garbage; polar and other bears

Signs and Symptoms

Sx:Fever, myalgias all over including tongue, diaphragm, etc; gastroenteritis 24-72 h after ingestion from worms in gi tract

Si:Eye swelling, conjunctivitis, small conjunctival hemorrhages; splinter hemorrhages in nail beds; skin rashes both urticarial and petechial


GI sx in 24-72 h; other sx peak 1-6 wk after ingestion


Myocarditis, CNS inflammation

Lab and Xray


Chem:CPK, AST (SGOT) markedly elevated

Hem:Elevated eosinophils; may be as high as 50%

Path:Muscle bx shows 10-100 larvae/gm tissue; lteq.gif1/gm should not produce sx



Prevent by cooking garbage fed to pigs; cook or freeze pork well

of disease (Med Let 1990;32:23):