Prostatism Symptom Score
In the last month have you felt like your bladder is not completely empty after urination? None Less than once every 5 times Less than once every 2 times About once every 2 times More than once every 2 times Almost always
In the past month have you had to urinate within 2 hours of previously urinating? None Less than once every 5 times Less than once every 2 times About once every 2 times More than once every 2 times Almost always
In the past month have you had disrupted urination? None Less than once every 5 times Less than once every 2 times About once every 2 times More than once every 2 times Almost always
In the past month have you found it hard to control your urine? None Less than once every 5 times Less than once every 2 times About once every 2 times More than once every 2 times Almost always
In the past month have you had a case of weak urination? None Less than once every 5 times Less than once every 2 times About once every 2 times More than once every 2 times Almost always
In the past month have you had to strain to initiate urination? None Less than once every 5 times Less than once every 2 times About once every 2 times More than once every 2 times Almost always
During the last month, how many times, on average, do you get up at night to urinate? None 1 time 2 times 3 times 4 times >=5 times
R e s u l t s
IPSS Score
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Prostatism Symptom Score

The Prostatism Symptom Score consists of 7 questions, each of which receives 0-5 points. The points are summed and a total score is obtained.

The 7 questions are:

  1. In the last month have you felt like your bladder is not completely empty after urination?
  2. In the past month have you had to urinate within 2 hours of previously urinating?
  3. In the past month have you had disrupted urination?
  4. In the past month have you found it hard to control your urine?
  5. In the past month have you had a case of weak urination?
  6. In the past month have you had to strain to initiate urination?
  7. During the last month, how many times, on average, do you get up at night to urinate?

Questions 1-6 are scored on the following scale:

  • 0 pts = None
  • 1 pts = Less than once every 5 times
  • 2 pts = Less than once every 2 times
  • 3 pts = About once every 2 times
  • 4 pts = More than once every 2 times
  • 5 pts = Almost always

Question 7 is scored as follows:

  • 0 pts = None
  • 1 pts = 1 time
  • 2 pts = 2 times
  • 3 pts = 3 times
  • 4 pts = 4 times
  • 5 pts = >=5 times


  • 0-7 pts = Minimal symptoms
  • 8-19 pts = Moderate Symptoms
  • 20-35 pts = Severe symptoms


Barry MJ, et al. The American Urological Association symptom index for benign prostatic hyperplasia. J Urology Nov 1992;148:1549-57.

Bosch JL, et al. The International Prostate Symptom Score in a community-based sample of men between 55 and 74 years of age: prevalence and correlation of symptoms with age, prostate volume, flow rate and residual urine volume. Br J Urol. May 1995;75(5):622-30.