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General Reference

Nejm 1995;332:1077

Pathophys and Cause

Cause:Coccidioides immitis


Airborne spread (inhalation) of mycelial stage infective spores; endospore spread in body (description of storm-scattered epidemic in California—Nejm 1979;301:358). American southwest esp Arizona, Texas, and California., eg, San Joaquin valley (Stockton to Bakersfield); worst in wet season, esp in patients exposed to dirt in spring and late fall

Increased prevalence (reactivation?) in diabetics and patients on steroid rx, in AIDS and other immunocompromised pts

Signs and Symptoms

Sx:Hemoptysis; granulomatous reactions of face and neck; primary cocci picture (Nejm 1972;286:507) of pneumonitis, flu-like syndrome with generalized pruritus macular/papular rash; acute polyarthritis (Nejm 1972;287:1133)

Si:Erythema nodosum, pleural effusion


Mortality 1% in Caucasians, 20% in Asians and Mexicans with disseminated disease. Recurrent up to 10 yr after amphotericin rx (Nejm 1969;281:950)


Hypercalcemia (Nejm 1977;297:431); extrapulmonary lesions, onset 1+ yr after primary pulmonary infection, eg, bones, joints, skin, meninges

Lab and Xray


Bact:Mycelial form (white, fluffy, distinctive) dangerous to lab personnel. Diphasic but no yeast forms in tissue. Urine culture frequently positive if concentrated by lab, even when disseminated disease not suspected

Serol:Comp-fix antibody titer >1/16 suggests disseminated active disease. Positive in 14/15 (Nejm 1970;283:326); decreases with successful rx

Skin test:20-50% false neg but still useful (Am Rev Respir Dis 1988;138:1081); indicates present or past disease

Xray:Nodular pneumonitis; primary pneumonias; coin lesions; thin-walled cavities, r/o rheumatoid nodules and pneumatoceles



Beware steroids

Meningitis after acute rx must be rx'd w lifelong suppression (Ann IM 1996;124:305)

of acute disease (Nejm 1987;317:334):