section name header



Additional information on sample collection


The test measures the nitrogen fraction of urea. Urea is a nonprotein nitrogen compound formed as an end product of protein metabolism in the liver and is excreted in the urine. The blood urea nitrogen (BUN) represents the balance between urea production and excretion.


The BUN level is used to:

Additional information:

Nl Result

Consult your laboratory for their normal ranges as these may vary somewhat from the ones listed below

Conv. units
SI units
Critical Levels>40a14.2

a Not dehydrated or with no history of any renal disease

b With history of renal diseaseWith history of renal disease

c Increase in 24 hr indicates acute renal failure

During pregnancy, BUN may decrease by 25%.

High Result

Causes of elevated serum urea include:

Drugs, substances and vitamins that increase the serum urea level include:

Low Result

Causes of decrease in serum urea levels include:

Drugs that may decrease the serum urea levels include:
