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General Reference

Nejm 1997;337:682; J Inf Dis 1992;165:736

Pathophys and Cause

Cause:Legionella pneumophilia,etc


Airborne or drinking water-borne (Nejm 1992;326:151)

Epidemic and endemic. Male > female; summer/fall peaks; many unrecognized cases; 5% of all community-acquired pneumonias; spread by air conditioner systems (Nejm 1980;302:365). Increased incidence in patients on dialysis, with DM, COPD, over age 50 yr, on chemotherapy

Signs and Symptoms

Sx:2- to 10-d incubation. *Diarrhea (2/3); cough without sputum, pleurisy, headache, recurrent rigors; r/o mycoplasma and psittacosis

Si:*Pneumonitis, *fever, slow pulse, confusion, wound infections (UVM—Ann IM 1982;96:173)

*Most important findings for dx.


High fatality rate if immunocompromised


r/o other atypical pneumonia agents, eg, Pittsburgh agent and very similar PONTIAC FEVER(Ann IM 1984;100:333)

Lab and Xray


Bact:Sputum Gram stain shows polys without bugs; gram-neg rod when pick culture, won't stain in tissue. Fluorescent antibody stains of transtracheal aspirate or sputum, pos in 26%. Culture requires special media, very fastidious

Chem:LFTs increased (1/2); Na <130 (2/3)

Hem:ESR increased (1/3); polys increased (2/3) with left shift

Serol:Titer >1/250 IgG and IgM

Urine:3+ protein (20%), rbc's. Urine antigen by RIA or ELISA, 70% sens, 100% specif; is the clinically most useful test

Xray:Chest shows bilat pneumonia, 1/3 w pleural effusion



(Nejm 1998;129:328)

Azithromycin, clarithromycin, or erythromycin × 10-14 d; ciprofloxacin 400 mg iv q 8 h or 750 mg po bid, or newer fluoroquinolone; doxycycline, but less effective. Add rifampin in severe disease