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  1. Initial Actions:
  2. Secondary Actions:
  3. 5 Cycles (or 1-2 minutes) of High Quality CPR.
  4. Administer epinephrine as soon as IV/IO is established (repeat q3-5 minutes):
  5. Establish advanced airway if not already established
  6. After 5 cycles (1-2 minutes) of CPR, check rhythm.
  7. 6a) Shockable Rhythm (VF/VT): Defibrillation at 4 J/kg (monophasic) or utilized AED if >1 year of age (use pediatric pads if available). Resume CPR immediately.
    6b) No shockable rhythm:
  8. If remains in VF/VT, continue with CPR with epinephrine q3-5 minutes, rhythm check every 5 cycles (1-2 minutes) of CPR, defibrillation as indicated after every 5 cycles (1-2 minutes of CPR). Continue at higher dose (4 J/kg) for subsequent shocks.
  9. Administer antiarrhythmic agent (choose 1):
  10. Consider reversible causes

Source: Circulation 2005;112. 2005 AHA Guidelines for CPR and ECC.