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General Reference

(Cryptosporidium Diarrhea) (Cryptosporidium parvum)

Nejm 1995;332:855

Pathophys and Cause

Pathophys:Oocytes are resistant to chlorine, takes only 30-150 to infect


Animal (esp young ones like calves) or human contaminated public water supplies (Nejm 1996;334:19; 1989;320:1372), swimming pools (Jama 1994;272:1597) or animal feces-contaminated food (Maine cider epidemic—Jama 1994;272:1592); more frequent in immunocompromised patients, eg, with AIDS, infants in day care, tropical developing countries; common, 25% of US adults have antibodies

Signs and Symptoms

Sx:Diarrhea, can be dehydrating in HIV pts

Si: Self-limited in immunocompetent (Nejm 1983;308:1252)


Chronic cholecystitis in AIDS pts, often fatal (Nejm 1996;334:19)

Lab and Xray

Lab: Bact:Acid-fast stain of stool pos


Rx:Rehydration and supportive care; nitazoxanide or alternatives