J Am Acad Orthop Surg 2001;9:389
Cause:Forced valgus loading of the metacarpo-phalangeal joint of the thumb
Pathophys:Sprain/rupture of ulnar collateral ligament or bony avulsion at insertion onto proximal phalanx
Sx:Immediate pain following fall; weakened grasp
Si:Swelling and redness at MCP. May be able to palpate avulsed tendon early in course before swelling. Pain and opening with valgus loading of MCP joint in 80° flexion
Grade I-II (partial tears): immobilize in thumb spica splint for 6 weeks, longer if pain and laxity persist. Grade III (complete tear, no endpoint to valgus stressing): surgical repair (see below)
Steners lesion, related to complete UCL tear in which ligament end becomes trapped beneath palmar aponeurosis and does not heal.
Xray:PA, lateral and oblique views of the finger. Valgus stress views only if fracture r/o. Stress angulation difference greater than 15° pos for UCL sprain