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Pathophys and Cause

Cause:Phthirus pubis; Pediculus corporis(body lice), P. capitis(head lice)

Pathophys:Attach to hair; itch and rashes due to bites and allergies to louse and its feces


P. pubis,venereal; P. corporisand P. capitis, via bedding, clothing, and other fomites

Life cycle: 25 d egg-to-egg. Live exclusively on human blood, can't live >24 h without it. Only ~10 adults/pt

Signs and Symptoms

Sx:Pruritus with all; P. pubislocalized to axillary, perianal, pubic areas, and occasionally in eyelashes (blepharitis)

Si:Lice and nits (egg sacks on hairs) evident w magnifying glass or careful inspection; bites


r/o bird lice (eg, from pigeons on air conditioner)



(Med Let 1997;38:6)

Launder clothes, bedding; hang them outside × 24 h will also kill since can't survive >24 h away from body

Meds: rx as below, perhaps repeat × 1 at 7 d

of eye cmplc: 0.25% eserine ophthalmic ointment to lids with cotton tip applicator

of school outbreaks, "nit-free policies unrealistic"