Out of hospital protocol
Collapsed unresponsive patient Call 911, get AED, start CPR Known asphyxia as cause of arrest 5 cycles of high quality CPR, Call 911, get AED.
- Open airway using appropriate maneuver (give second attempt if not initially successful to open airway)
- No Trauma: Head tilt/Chin lift
- Trauma: Jaw thrust with inline C-spine immobilization
Breathing; Initial
Confirm patient isn't breathing; then give 2 breaths at 1 second/breath [look for chest rise]. If no chest rise; reposition airway and attempt again. If airway obstructed; abdominal thrusts.
Breathing; CPR ongoing [No advanced airway]
30 compressions then 2 breaths (no compressions during breaths)
Breathing; CPR ongoing [Advanced airway]
100 compressions/min with 8-10 breaths/minute with no pauses for breaths
Breathing; Rescue breathing only
10-12 breaths/minute with pulse recheck every 2 minutes.
Circulation; Pulse check
- Site: Carotid
- Duration: 10 seconds (30-45 seconds if hypothermic)
Circulation; Chest compressions
- Rate/Ratio: 30 compressions then 2 breaths at rate of 100/minute (if advanced airway then 100 compressions/minute with no pauses for 8-10 breaths/minute)
- Technique: Heels of both hands to lower ½ of sternum; push hard and fast, with 1.5-2 inch depth of compression and allow full recoil of chest.
- 2 Rescuer: Rotate compressor role every 2 minutes.
- Focus: Minimize times where there are no chest compressions ongoing; 5 cycles of CPR (approx 2 minutes) before rechecking pulse.
Defibrillation; AED
Provide CPR until AED is connected. Cease CPR when device ready to analyze rhythm. Have AED analyze rhythm.
- Shock Advised: Device will deliver single shock. Continue CPR.
- No Shock Advised: Continue CPR.
- Every 5 cycles (2 minutes) have AED reanalyze rhythm and deliver or not deliver shock; resume CPR. Continue until EMS/Other personal assume care.
- Cease compressions if victim becomes conscious or pulse returns.
Source: Circulation 2005;112. 2005 AHA Guidelines for CPR and ECC.