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General Reference

Nejm 2008;358:615

Pathophys and Cause


Primary degeneration of autonomic system, alone in Bradbury-Eggleston syndrome (BES), or combined w multisystem atrophy in Parkinson's disease (Ann IM 2000;133:382), olivopontocerebellar atrophy (prominent parkinsonian si), striatonigral degeneration (prominent cerebellar si's), Shy-Drager syndrome (SDS) (acquired), and Riley-Day syndrome (RDS) (congenital)

Secondary causes: CNS injury from spinal cord injury, esp above T6, amyloid neuropathy, Guillain-Barré syndrome, diabetic neuropathy, cancer, HIV infection, porphyria, pernicious anemia, tabes dorsalis from syphilis, drug toxicity like alcoholic neuropathy

Pathophys:RDS from decreased dopamine RtArrow.gifnorepinephrine conversion; BES and SDS from autoimmune antibodies to ganglionic Ach receptors (Nejm 2000;343:847) causing multineurosystem degeneration; diminished or no sympathetic CNS stimulation on standing


RDS in Eastern European Jews disappearing w prenatal screening (Neja 2009;361:1622)

Signs and Symptoms


Postural hypotensive sx; heat intolerance; constipation (occasional diarrhea), dysphagia; nocturia, frequency, urgency, incontinence, urinary retention; erectile and ejaculatory failure; stridor, apnea; parkinsonism, ataxias

RDS: absent taste; intermittent skin blotching

SDS: a mix of autonomic failure, Parkinson's-type sx, and sometimes cerebellar sx


Postural hypotension; anhidrosis; anisocoria, Horner's syndrome; stridor, apnea; parkinsonism, cerebellar si's

RDS: loss of anterior tongue papillae; poor coordination; absent deep tendon reflexes; paroxysmal hypertension; defective temperature control and sweating; absent corneal reflexes

SDS: dementia, tremor


Autonomic dysreflexia = hypertensive crisis precipitated in quadriplegics by distended viscus (NE Rehab Hosp lecture 10/89)

r/o vasovagal syncope; carotid hypersensitivity; postural tachycardia syndrome (Nejm 2000;343:1008), incr pulse w/o decr BP in young women w partial sympathetic denervation of legs

Lab and Xray


In RDS and SDS, methacholine sc causes eye tearing, transiently improved taste; in eye, i gtt methacholine causes potentiated miosis (denervation supersensitivity). Histamine intradermally causes no flare

Noninv:Measure with expiratory–inspiratory respiratory variation in sinus rates, if <10, suspect neuropathy present (BMJ 1982;285:559)



of postural hypotension: avoid diuretics, vasodilators and tricyclics, increase salt intake and maybe rx of syst HT in elderly using low doses and increasing slowly (Lipsitz HMS 3/06); or try

of SDS: L-dopa + above

If anemic (hct <40%), old or young, rx w erythropoietin (Ann IM 1994;121:181; Nejm 1993;329:611)