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General Reference

Nejm 2003;349:2424

Pathophys and Cause

Cause:Chlamydia trachomatis; in NSU in men, also Ureaplasma andMycoplasma sp.


Venereal; over 50% of nonspecific urethritis episodes in males; proctitis in gay males; 12% prevalence in Maine women (Maine Epigram 5/87), 7-15% in army women recruits (Nejm 1998;339:739), 4% overall in US (Jama 2004;291:2229) and highest in southwest and blacks. Transmission rates males to females and vice versa nearly equal, as are the asx infection rates (Jama 1996;276:1737)

Signs and Symptoms

Sx: 80-90% are asx; dysuria and urethral discharge in men, vaginal discharge in women


Urethral discharge in male; proctitis, mild in gays

Cervix shows yellow mucopurulent discharge (14% false pos—Nejm 1984;311:1) and hypertrophic cervical ectopy (ectropion)

Pharyngitis, from fellatio (Ann IM 1985;102:757)


Epididymitis (the etiology in 1/2 the cases of epididymitis); endometritis, PID, perihepatitis like Fitzhugh-Curtis syndrome of gonorrhea; male sterility (Am J Pub Hlth 1993;83:996) and female sterility (worse than gc); r/o gc and mycoplasma PID

Acute conjuctivitis in newborn (ophthalmia neonatorum) (r/o Herpes simplexw ulcerations) from gc or chlamydia, latter more common, 5% of all U Washington deliveries; a smaller % have pneumonitis, from 1 to 60 d postpartum, average 15 d, rx w erythromycin × 14 d (Med Let 1995;35:117)

Blindness in developing world, preventable with twice-a-year azithromycin rx to children which also decreases overall mortality (Jama 2009;302:962; Jama 2008;299:778)

Lab and Xray


Bact:Single swab culture is 100% specif, 75% sens (Ann IM 1987;107:189); smears: males have >4 polys/hpf by urethral swab even if no discharge; females have 10+ polys/hpf (at 1000×), 17% false pos, 10% false neg (Holmes—Nejm 1984;311:1)

Path:Pap smear detection unreliable

Urinel:DNA amplification assay, 89% sens, 99% specif (Ann IM 2005;143:914; Nejm 1998;339:739, 768; Ann IM 1996;124:1); can be used to screen populations too



Prevent w:

Screen (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease)

of active disease (Ann IM 2002;137:255; Med Let 1999;41:85) by treating patient and partner (Med Let 1994;36:1; Nejm 1978;298:490) with: