Fetal Breath. movements | >1 epi. of>30 sec in 30 min Absent or no epi. of>30 sec in 30 min |
Gross Body movement | >3 body move. in 30 min. <2 episodes of body/limb movements in 30 min. |
Fetal Tone | >1 epi. of active ext. w/ return of flexion of fetal limb(s) Either slow ext. w/ return to partial flex., movement of limb in full ext. or absent fetal movement |
Reactive fetal HR | >= 2 epi. of accel. of >=15bpm & of >15 sec in 20 min. >= 1 epi. of accel. of fetal HR or acceleration of <15 bpm in 20 min. |
Qual. amniotic fluid | >1 pocket of fluid>1cm in 2 perpendicular planes No pockets or a pocket<1cm in perpendicular planes |
A scale for assessing fetal well being via ultrasound. For each of the 5 variables, a score of 2 is given for normal and 0 for abnormal findings.
One set of guidelines for results is:
8-10 No indication for prompt delivery
4-6 Concern; consider delivery if fetal pulmonary maturity
0-2 Deliver without delay