Transferrin Saturation
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Select Units Conventional Units (µg/dL) SI Units (µmol/L)
Serum Iron (FE)
Total Iron Binding Capacity (TIBC)
R e s u l t s
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Transferrin Saturation
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Transferrin Saturation

Transferrin Saturation (TS) is the percent of transferrin that has iron bound to it. The normal range is 20-50%.

TS Decreased in:

Iron Deficiency

Anemia of Chronic Disease

TS Normal in:


TS Increased in:

Hemochromatosis/Iron overload

Note that TS is an early and sensitive marker of iron overload in Type I Hemochromatosis.

Transferrin Saturation (TS) is calculated by the formula:

TS = (Serum Iron / Total Iron Binding Capacity) x 100%

Serum Iron (Information)

  • The serum iron assay measures the amount of circulating iron bound to transferrin in the blood
  • Iron is primarily required for hemoglobin synthesis, and is necessary for the proliferation and maturation of red blood cells (erythropoiesis)
  • Iron is also required for proper muscle and organ function
  • Iron is intestinally absorbed and circulates in the bloodstream bound to transferrin, a protein synthesized by the liver that regulates iron absorption
  • About 65% of iron is bound to hemoglobin molecules, 4% is bound to myoglobin molecules, a small amount found in cellular enzymes, and the remainder stored as ferritin or hemosiderin in the liver, bone marrow, and spleen

Total Iron Binding Capacity [(TIBC) Information]

  • This test measures the total iron binding capacity as an indirect measure of transferrin concentration in the blood
  • 60-70% of body's iron is transported in the blood by the plasma protein, transferrin
  • Transferrin is typically 30% saturated, which means that 30% of the iron binding sites on transferrin contain an iron atom
  • The TIBC is the amount of iron needed to saturate 100% of the binding sites on transferrin
  • Apart from transferrin other proteins carry iron and contribute to the TIBC
  • TIBC is usually measured along with serum iron and transferrin saturation as a part of full iron studies to evaluate the body's current iron storage and ability to utilized iron