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Pathophys and Cause

Pathophys:Antiepithelial ("prickle") cell IgG-4 antibody (Nejm 1989;320:1463; 1989;321:631)


Associated with HLA-DRw4 in 91% (Lancet 1979;2:441); paraneoplastic type with lymphoma (Nejm 1990;323:1729)

Signs and Symptoms

Si:Can push blister fluid into new areas of skin (Nikolsky's sign); normal skin sloughs and forms bullae when rubbed; middle age onset; scalp, mucosal membranes, and flexor surfaces primarily involved; "baggy blisters" because overlying epidermis is very thin, rarely hemorrhagic


Rx:Steroids, and follow antibody titers; cyclophosphamide; azathioprine; or nicotinamide and tetracycline (J Am Acad Derm 1993;28:998); iv immunoglobulin and rituximab (Nejm 2006;355:1772)