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Pathophys and Cause

Cause:(Lancet 2003;361:1281) Defective chromosome 21; new translocation (3% of all), or congenital trisomy (97%); of the latter, 95% are maternal, 5% paternal (Nejm 1991;324:872)

Pathophys:Usually group G trisomy of chromosome 21 (97% overall, 90% when mother age <35 yr). Translocations: 50% are chromosome 21 to a D (13-15), associated with parental chromosome abnormalities most of the time, mothers are carrier 95% of time, fathers 5%; or 50% are to a G (20-22) and in that circumstance <5% of time do parents have abnormal chromosome prep. In mothers age <35 yr, 10-15% are such G translocations

Short 5th finger and toe due to middle phalanx failure to calcify normally and late onset maturation arrest


1/650 live births; increased in mothers age >35 yr. Associated Alzheimer’s disease in families, esp premature Alzheimer’s (Ann IM 1985;103:566) and correlates with amyloid A4 protein excess production and deposition (Nejm 1989;320:1446)

Signs and Symptoms

Sx:Flat face (90%), poor Moro (85%), hypotonia (80%)

Si:Findings subtle at birth and become more apparent late: hypotonia; developmental delay; short, brachycephalic with excess skin on the back of the neck; hypoplastic midface bones; single palmar crease, epicanthal fold (50%); Brushfield’s spots (white) on iris (present in 10% normals too); short 5th finger and toes; duodenal obstruction in many, esp from atresia and ring pancreas; low-set, hypoplastic ears; heart murmurs and congenital heart disease, esp atrial septal defect (in 25%); imperforate anus (3%); umbilical hernia; tachycardia


Odontoid ligament laxity causing C1 on C2 dislocation as in rheumatoid arthritis (Peds 1992;89:1194); leukemia; increased infection rates; incr Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (get TSH q 1 yr); incr gluten enteropathy

r/o D-1 (13-15) trisomies with elevated fetal hemoglobin, decreased A2 hemoglobin, polydactyly, cleft palate; E (17-18) trisomy with many Down’s-type changes and associated with congenital biliary atresia

Lab and Xray


Hem:Chromosome prep shows trisomy or translocation

Serol:SPEP shows diffuse increased globulin

Xray:Hip films show horizontal acetabulum. Skull films, facial and sphenoid views show hypoplasia; bronchogram shows “pig bronchus,” ie, one ending in a blind pouch



Prevention (Nejm 2005;353:2001; 2003;349:1405); many of these tests can be used in combination (Nejm 1999;341:461, 521) to incr sens and specif; positive results = <1/250 chance of trisomy resulting in amnio or chorionic sampling. At 15 wk gestation, 5% sens and 90% specif of first 3 in combo

Screening strategies (Nejm 2009;360:2556; 2005;353:2001):

Primary care: of newborn, confirm clinical suspicion w karyotype; cardiac consultation on all; hearing screen, thyroid studies, CBC; early intervention program and parental support group referral