section name header


No, or minimal, increased risk of spontaneous abortion in future pregnancies after an abortion


Septic abortion if not done medically (Nejm 1994;331:310), but even then infection occurs in 1% (prophylactic tetracycline 500 mg po qid × 5 d decreases to 0.25%); uterine perforation; retained products of conception; POSTABORTAL SYNDROME: bleeding, in absence of retained tissue, which spontaneously resolves or is rx'd with Methergine

No incr in breast cancer risk (Nejm 1997;336:81; Jama 1996;275:283, 321)

Lab and Xray

Lab:Path:Confirm gestational tissue and r/o mole



of 1st trimester pregnancy (Nejm 2000;342:946):

of 2nd trimester pregnancy: