section name header

General Reference

Nejm 1970;282:57; 1969;280:405

Pathophys and Cause

Cause:All genetic, except occasionally due to amyloid (Nejm 1979;301:1050; 1979;304:827); all autosomal recessive

Pathophys:(Screening Tests of Clotting Function)


All very rare, <1/million

Signs and Symptoms


I and VII: no or little bleeding

II: mild bleeding, esp postsurgery

V and X: mild bleeding but hemarthroses

XIII: severe bleeding, hemarthroses, poor wound healing


With II deficiency; r/o SLE anti-II antibodies

Lab and Xray

Lab: Hem:Clotting w/u (Screening Tests of Clotting Function)


Rx: For II, Konyne (Classic Hemophilia (Hemophilia A))