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General Reference

Nejm 1981;304:21

Pathophys and Cause

Pathophys:Alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) converts to glycolic acid, which causes acidosis and is metabolized into oxalate; this produces high osmolar gap

Lab and Xray

Lab:High osmolar gap = measured osmoles - calculated osmoles (calculated = 2 × Na + glucose/18 + BUN/2.8); r/o methanol and/or ethanol ingestion



Ethanol po or iv continuous to levels of 100-125 mg %; to inhibit alcohol dehydrogenase

Fomepizole (Antizol) (Nejm 2009;360:2216; 1999;340:832) 15 mg/kg iv load, then 10 mg/kg q12h × 48 h, then 15 mg/kg q12h until ethylene glycol level <20 mg %; cost: $2000/rx generic; usually takes 3-4 doses

Hemodialysis especially if large ingestion, acidotic, level >50 mg %, or renal failure

Thiamine 100 mg iv + pyridoxine 2-5 gm