Cause:Hyperuricemia, with pain due to wbc ingestion of crystals? Primary type is due to a renal tubular transferase deficiency (normally salvages urate); may be genetic, sporadic. Secondary type due to tissue breakdown or decreased renal tubular excretion of urate
Pathophys:(Ann IM 2005;143:499) In kidneys, uric acid is normally 100% filtered, 100% resorbed, 100% excreted in distal tubule but may be competitively inhibited by lactate, ETOH, ketone bodies. Podagra from traumatically increased synovial fluid from which water resorbed at night faster than urate leading to a gouty attack (Ann IM 1977;86:230, 234)
Male/female = 20:1; peak onset in males age ~30 yr and postmenopausally in women
Secondary type seen w leukemia, esp when being rxd (hyperuricemia and urate nephropathy but not gout), polycythemia, hemolytic anemia, starvation even in obese, diuretic rx, moonshine drinkers due to lead in alcohol (Nejm 1969;280:1199), alcoholics because increased urate production and perhaps decreased excretion
Sx:Family hx (50%); podagra (inflammation/swelling of 1st mp joint of big toe) (84%) or other severely painful arthritis; low-dose ASA (<4 gm) precipitates and/or worsens
Si:Arthritis including podagra, tophi (ear > elbow > finger > foot)
Acute attacks last 1-14 d, sx free between attacks but increasing frequency over years; without rx, permanent damage ensues
DJD; no increase in pseudogout; renal stones, but the nephropathy is associated with lead-related gout (Nejm 1981;304:520) as well as other types of gout
r/o reactive (Reiters) arthritis; septic joint; RA; pseudogout; DJD; rare hyperuricemic X-linked recessive LESCH-NYHAN SYNDROME, characterized by choreoathetosis, dystonic spasticity and self-mutilation (Nejm 1996;334:1568); and rarely, sarcoid arthritis, which also improves with colchicine (Nejm 1971;285:1503)
Chem:Uric acid >10 mg % (high false-pos and -neg rates with acute gout, so an elevation does not prove gout, nor does a normal value disprove it; clinical judgement like presence of podagra and course or crystals on tap make the dx)
Suppression of uric acid from uricosurics, eg, ASA, allopurinol, radiocontrast agents (Ann IM 1971;74:845); false increases from L-dopa
Joint fluid:With polarizing scope, long thin urate crystals, some inside wbcs, negatively birefringent (yellow parallel to red filter axis, blue when perpendicular)
Urine:24-h urine acid 1 gm; urate/creat ratio >0.75;
urateu/creatu × creats/creatu >0.7 = high excretor on am spot urine (Ann IM 1979;91:44)
Xray:Soft tissue swelling; in chronic type, DJD and punched-out areas of bone
(Nejm 1996;334:445)
Prevention: no need to rx asx mild increases in uric acid
Diet: minimize meat and seafood (Nejm 2004;350:1095)
Acute: if attack <10 d old,