Pathophys:Alveolitis is due to uncontrolled response of T cells to inflammation and/or B-cell production of IgG vs collagen? But inflammatory etiology in doubt. Possibly epithelial injury and abnormal wound healing.
Exaggerated release of platelet-derived growth factor by macrophages causes abnormal scarring/fibrosis (Nejm 1987;317:202)
Sx:Dyspnea on exertion, nonproductive cough × 6+ mo
Si:Velcro or cellophane rales, clubbing, fever, cyanosis
Most fatal; mean survival = 5.5 yr (Nejm 1978;298:801); die of right heart failure (20%) or infection (80%)
r/o asbestosis; collagen vascular disease; BRONCHIOLITIS OBLITERANS (recurrent patchy pneumonia), may be work-related exposures (eg, butter fumes in microwave popcorn workersNejm 2002;347:330) w good prognosis and responds to steroids (Nejm 1985;312:152); and desquamative interstitial pneumonia
ABGs:At rest show mild decrease in pO2 and pCO2; with exercise, marked decrease in pO2
Hem:ESR elevated, crit usually normal despite decreased pO2
Path:Lung bx shows fibrosis w some inflammatory component plus cellular hyperplasia of epithelium; hypertrophied bronchial muscle, endarteritis, and honeycombing in end stage
PFTs:Decreased volumes and diffusing capacity
Serol:Occasionally positive ANA, rheumatoid titer etc. (all are epiphenomena)
Xray:Chest shows reticulonodular infiltrate (fibrosis), esp at bases; spiral CT