Cause:Genetic vulnerability and life experiences
Pathophys:Pervasive lifelong character styles not viewed as pathological by patient (except in obsessive-compulsive personality d/o), unlike neurotic sx, which are. Some pts have less extreme pathology of axis I disorders, eg, schizophrenia, manic-depressive disorders, etc.
Odd/eccentrics cluster: paranoid, schizoid, and schizotypal types
Dramatic/emotional/erratic cluster: antisocial, borderline, histrionic, and narcissistic types
Anxious/fearful cluster: avoidant, dependent, ob/compulsive types
Si:Functional impairments in relationships, education, and occupational pursuits
r/o active axis I disorders, neurosis (pt can identify problem and complains about it), and chemical dependency chronic or in early recovery
Psychotherapy is the core of treatment for personality disorders. Psychodynamic, CBT and DBT approaches all have some evidence of efficacy (Am J Psych 2003;160:1223)
Time-limited benzodiazepines for anxiety
of self-sacrifice (dependent, passive-aggressive, and depressive types): Listen to sx and anticipate pts ambivalence re improvement
of manipulative/antisocial types: Firm limits; if impulsive, lithium or carbamazepine may assist
of dependency and demanding type (dependent and borderline types): Empathic recognition of pts need for reassurance and anxiety about being alone; plus limit-setting consistency, clarity, and structure, referral to experienced psychotherapist; for borderline PD, meds like olanzapine, fluoxetine, or divalproate (APA Practice Guideline 2005)
of obsessive-compulsiveness: Respect need for control by providing information, eg, test results asap, plus engaging pts in rx plan; meds: SSRIs or clomipramine not effective, unlike in OCD
of dramatization (histrionic type): Disallow inappropriate familiarity w a respectful, professional manner without shortening time w pt
of self-importance (narcissistic type): Nondefensive acceptance of earlier consultation and referral
of detachment and paranoia (schizoid, schizotypal, avoidant types): Allow privacy, consider antipsychotic