Bacterial: Staph, pseudomonas
Fungal: Aspergillus niger
Viral: Herpes simplex and zoster
Bacterial: Local furunculosis, which then becomes more diffuse
Allergic: 1+ pain; 3+ itching
Seborrheic: 1+ pain; 1+ itching
Bacterial: 3+ pain, esp w movement of pinna
Fungal: 1+ pain; 3+ itching
Viral: 1+ pain w herpes simplex; 3+ pain w herpes zoster
Bacterial: pain w tragal pressure and pinna traction; erythema and edema of external ear canal
Allergic: Acute: weeping small vesicles. Chronic: fissures and scales
Seborrheic: Greasy scales, dandruff
Fungal: Looks like wet newspaper; black discharge is diagnostic
Viral: Vessels in ear may rupture, or form hemorrhagic bullae
Bacterial: malignant otitis externa, a severe perichondritis, now only a problem in pts w resistant organisms or diminished resistance, eg, diabetes, cancer, or AIDS
r/o: acute mastoiditis
Avoid water in all types