Bishop Score
Cervical dilation <1 cm 1 - 2 cm 2-4 cm >4 cm
Cervical effacement 0 - 30% 40 - 50% 60-70% >= 80%
Cervical consistency Firm Intermediate Soft
Cervical position Posterior Intermediate Anterior
Fetal station -3 cm -2 cm -1 or 0 cm +1 or +2 cm
R e s u l t s
Bishop Score
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Bishop Score

The Bishop Score is a clinical scoring system based upon vaginal examination that assists in predicting whether induction of labor will be needed.

A modification of this was made by Calder, et al in 1974 (Modified Bishop Score).

5 components on vaginal exam are used:

  • Cervical dilation
  • Cervical effacement
  • Cervical consistency
  • Cervical position
  • Fetal station

The score can range from 0 to 13.

I. Cervical dilation

  • 0 pts = <1 cm
  • 1 pt = 1-2 cm
  • 2 pts = 2-4 cm
  • 3 pts = >4 cm

II. Cervical effacement

  • 0 pts = 0-30%
  • 1 pt = 40-50%
  • 2 pts = 60-70%
  • 3 pts >= 80%

III. Cervical consistency

  • 0 pts = Firm
  • 1 pt = Intermediate
  • 2 pts = Soft

IV. Cervical position

  • 0 pts = Posterior
  • 1 pt = Intermediate
  • 2 pts = Anterior

V. Fetal station

  • 0 pts = -3 cm
  • 1 pt = -2 cm
  • 2 pts = -1 or 0 cm
  • 3 pts = +1 or +2 cm


The lower the score, the less likely labor will start spontaneously.  A score of <5 indicates that labor will not likely commence spontaneously.  Scores of 9 or more are consistent with labor likely to commence with no induction.


Bishop EH. Pelvic scoring for elective induction. Obstet Gynecol. 1964;24:266-8.

Calder AA, et al. Exta-amniotic prostaglandin E2 for the induction of labour at term. Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology of the British Commonwealth. 1974;81:39-46.