Enter Age (Years) | |
Gender | Male Female |
Nursing home resident | Yes No |
Neoplastic disease | Yes No |
Liver disease | Yes No |
Congestive Heart Failure | Yes No |
Cerebrovascular disease | Yes No |
Renal disease | Yes No |
Altered Mental Status | Yes No |
Respiratory rate >= 30/min | Yes No |
Systolic blood pressure <90 mmHg | Yes No |
Temp <35 or >= 40°C (< 95 or >= 104°F) | Yes No |
Pulse >= 125/min | Yes No |
Arterial pH<7.35 | Yes No |
BUN >= 10.7 mmol/L (30 mg/dl) | Yes No |
Sodium<130 mEq/L | Yes No |
Glucose >= 250 mg/dL (14 mmol/L) | Yes No |
Hematocrit<30% (0.3) | Yes No |
PaO2<60 mmHg | Yes No |
Pleural effusion | Yes No |
PORT (Pneumonia Patient Outcomes Research Team) Score is a clinical prediction rule that medical practitioners use to calculate the probability of mortalityt among patients with community acquired pneumonia (CAP).
Use of this tool can diminish the variability in rates of hospitalization of patients with CAP and give guidance to which patients are high or low risk for complications.
The rule was derived from 14,199 adult inpatients with CAP. The rule was then validated with 38,039 inpatients and with 2,287 inpatients and outpatients in the Pneumonia Patient Outcomes Research Team (PORT) cohort study.
This tool derived a prediction rule that stratifies patients into five classes with respect to the risk of death within 30 days according to the following items:
Elements of the PORT Score:
* BUN = Blood Urea Nitrogen
PaO 2 = Partial Pressure of Arterial Oxygen
PORT Score | % risk of death within | Treatment Recommended |
Class I | 0.1-0.4 | Outpatient Treatment |
Class II<=70) | 0.6-0.7 | Outpatient Treatment with oral antibiotics typically recommended; in selected cases <24 hours admission and may be indicated (with traditional inpatient care) |
Class III(71-90) | 0.9-2.8 | Outpatient Treatment with oral antibiotics typically recommended; in selected cases <24 hours admission and may be indicated (with traditional inpatient care) |
Class IV(91-130) | 8.5-9.0 | Inpatient Treatment |
Class V(>130) | 27.1-31.1 | Inpatient Treatment |
This Data is in accordance to MedisGroups derivation, MedisGroups validation and overall PneumoniaPORT validation study. |
Step 1:This step determines whether the patient is in Class I or Class II-V. If no exclusionary criteria are present, the patient is Class I; otherwise the patient is Class II-V based upon the sum of items present.
To be Class I, the patient must have NONE of the following:
If any of the above items are present we go to step 2 and calculate score.
Step 2:
For Class II, III, IV, VClassification is on the basis of the total score computed by adding the scores of the items above.
ReferencesFine MJ, et al. A prediction rule to identify low-risk patients with community-acquired pneumonia. N Engl J Med. 1997 Jan 23;336(4):243-50.Fine MJ, et al. The hospital discharge decision for patients with community-acquired pneumonia. Results from the Pneumonia Patient Outcomes Research Team cohort study. Arch Intern Med. 1997;157:47-56.Fine MJ, et al. The hospital admission decision for patients with community-acquired pneumonia. Results from the pneumonia Patient Outcomes Research Team cohort study. Arch Intern Med. 1997;157:36-44.Fine MJ, et al. Prognosis and outcomes of patients with community-acquired pneumonia. A meta-analysis. JAMA. 1996;275:134-41.