section name header





Additional information

Nl Result

Consult your laboratory for their normal ranges as these may vary somewhat from the ones listed below.


A normal serum creatinine level does not rule out the presence of impaired renal function.

Conv. Units
SI Units
Adult Men0.7-1.462-124
Adult Women0.5-1.144-97
Pregnant women0.4-0.735-62
Child 3-18 yrs0.3-1.027-88
Child <3 yrs0.2-0.718-62
Critical levels for a non-dialysis patient are:gteq10gteq884

BUN/Cr ratio typically 10-20:1

High Result

Elevated creatinine levels are associated with the following conditions:

Increased ratio BUN:Cr (gteq20:1) with normal creatinine level occurs in the following:

Increased ratio (>20:1) with elevated creatinine level occurs in the following conditions:

Drugs and substances that increase creatinine levels include:

The following conditions and substances may give falsely high results:

Low Result

Decreased creatinine levels occur in the following conditions:

Decreased BUN:Cr ratio (<10:1) with decreased BUN occurs in the following conditions:

Decreased BUN:Cr ratio (<10:1) with increased creatinine occurs in the following conditions:

Drugs that decrease serum creatinine levels include:

Drugs/Substances that falsely decrease serum creatinine levels include:
