section name header



Blue (Preferred), Green or Purple top tube.

4-5 mL of venous blood.

If specimen is CSF; send immediately to lab in plastic CSF tube.


D-Dimer is a fibrin degradation product that is produced when formed clot is being broken down (fibrinolysis).


The clinical utility of the D-Dimer test is most commonly in risk stratification for Pulmonary Embolus (PE), Deep Venous Thrombosis (DVT) or Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC).

Note that a normal result is reassuring for the absence of PE, DVT or DIC, but an abnormal value is non-specific.

The ELISA D-Dimer (NOT the Latex Agglutination method) is commonly used for screening of low risk patients for potential PE. A normal value is reassuring for the absence of PE. This test is however not sufficiently reliable to exclude PE in cases where PE is of moderate or high clinical suspicion.

CSF may also be sent for D-Dimer to differentiate subarachnoid hemorrhage (Positive D-Dimer) from traumatic LP (Negative D-Dimer).

Nl Result

Consult your laboratory for their normal ranges as these may vary somewhat from the ones listed below.

Quantitative (ELISA/Immunoturbidimetric):

Some laboratories specify normal as < 250 mcg/L (< 250 ng/mL); however, for the purpose of evaluation for PE, typically 500 mcg/L is the upper limit of normal.

Note: Some assays use different normal ranges, consult your laboratory.

Latex Agglutination:

High Result

Increased D-Dimer will occur in the following conditions:

Low Result

