Pathophys:Severe developmental disorder w delayed language and/or communication skills, social interactions and reciprocity, and imaginative play; all preceded by diffuse brain overgrowth and head circumference in 1st 3 yr of life (Jama 2003;290:337). No association w MMR vaccination (Jama 2003;290:1763; Nejm 2002;347:1477)
(Jama 2001;285:3093, 3141) prevalence of autism = 17 and PDDs = 46/10 000 in preschool children; up to 60/10 000 of autism spectrum disorders (Jama 2003;289:49, 87)
Haloperidol helps but w side effects; risperidone (Risperdal) (Nejm 2002;347:314) helps aggression, tantrums by DBCT; adv effects: tardive dyskinesia risks
Secretin injection no help (Nejm 1999;341:1801)