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General Reference

(Nejm 2003;349:1360)

Pathophys and Cause

Cause:Drugs, diet, colon lesions, hypothyroid, autonomic neuropathies, hypocalcemia

Signs and Symptoms

Sx:Abdominal cramps; <3 stools/wk

Si:Abdominal mass from stool


Fecal impaction (Nejm 1989;321:658) with fever, dyspnea, encopresis (diarrhea around a fecal impaction) (Peds Rv 1998;19:22; Ped Clin N Am 1996;43:279; Clin Ped 1991;30:669) esp in children age 3-5 yr

r/o hypothyroidism, Hirschsprung's in children (rarely have fecal incontinence)

Lab and Xray

Lab:TSH r/o hypothyroidism, electrolytes in recent onset, FOBT in elderly to assess for obstructing mass lesion

Xray:Can use Sitzmark radioopaque markers to assess GI transit; colonoscopy if obstruction is suspected, caution regarding risk of bowel perforation, rarely manometry



1st: Increased fiber (25 gm/d) and water in diet.


of ENCOPRESIS: bisacodyl (Dulcolax) 5 mg ii tabs po qd with mineral oil; enemas if football-sized stool