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Pathophys and Cause

Cause:Rickettsia prowazekiiand mooseri

Pathophys:Arteritis by intracellular invasion causing vascular occlusion. Nodules in cortical gray matter


Endemic: man to man via human body louse or lab technique; worldwide; especially winter/spring in cold climates

Brill-Zinsser disease: recurrent disease in carriers, perhaps via fleas

Murine type: man to rat to man

Signs and Symptoms

Sx:Headache; rash

Si:Fever; rash, centrifugal (central body spreading to extremities); pneumonia, atypical; CNS sx; necrotic skin over pressure points


May precipitate G6PD deficiency in blacks, leading to hemolysis and subsequent ATN

Lab and Xray


Chem:LFTs show hepatitis picture

Serol:Weil-Felix OX19 positive (r/o RMSF and scrub typhus)



Prevent by killing lice with DDT; kill rats

of disease: tetracycline or chloramphenicol; loading dose 2-2.5 × daily dose, then rx × 10 d