No. Needed to Treat
Ctrl.Gr. (Total)
Ctrl.Gr. (w/ Cond)
Act.Tx Grp. (Total)
Act.Tx Grp. (w/ Cond)
R e s u l t s
No. needed to treat
? ? ?
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No. Needed to Treat

No. Needed to Treat =
The number of patients you need to treat in order to prevent condition
1 ÷ ((Ctrl.Gr.(w/ Cond) ÷ Ctrl.Gr.(Total)) - (Act.Tx Gr.(w/ Cond) ÷ Act.Tx Gr.(Total))

Ctrl.Gr.(Total) =
Number of People in Control Group

Ctrl.Gr.(w/ Cond) =
Number of People in Control Group who develop condition of interest during time interval

Act.Tx Gr.(Total) =
Number of People in Active Treatment Group

Act.Tx Gr.(w/ Cond) =
Number of People in Active Treatment Group who develop condition of interest during time interval