section name header

General Reference

Jama 1997;278:51, J Am Acad Derm 1993;29:376; Ann IM 1990;113:39, Nejm 1991;324:1283

Pathophys and Cause

Cause:Genetic, autosomal dominant or sporadic mutations in germline cells (Nejm 1994;331:1403); mutation on long arm of chromosome 17

Pathophys: (Ann IM 2006;144:842)


Incidence: 1/3000-3500 births

Signs and Symptoms

Sx:Onset by age 5 yr, variable depending on site of lesions


Café-au-lait spots (90%); 6 spots, >1.5 cm in adults, or >0.5 cm in prepubertal patients (Peds 1992;90:924; J Peds 1990;116:845); axillary or inguinal or inguinal "freckles" (Crowe sign) are the same thing; "coast of California" smooth edges unlike "coast of Maine" edges of Albright's syndrome(bone cysts and fibrous dysplasia, precocious puberty) (rx'd with testolactone—Nejm 1986;315:1115)

Neurofibromas: soft skin nodules; plexiform neurofibromas are subcutaneous nodules along nerve course; also present internally, especially in bone and CNS

Lisch nodules, dome-shaped pigmented hamartomas on iris; present in 100% by age 20 yr (Nejm 1991;324:1264)






Monitor for cmplc's

Surgical excision of individual neurofibromas