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General Reference

Nejm 1999;341:342

Pathophys and Cause

Cause:Neoplasia from chromosome 11 and 22 translocation

Pathophys:Marrow reticular cells become neoplastic. Usually begins in bony shaft; 40% in axial skeleton


Children 5-15 yr; 2/million children/yr; no correlation w radiation exposure

Signs and Symptoms

Sx:Local pain or swelling in bone or joint for months

Si:Fever, tumor mass


Highly malignant; lung mets occur quickly; 60% 5-yr survival w rx, 20% if mets at diagnosis


r/o osteomyelitis

Lab and Xray


Hem:Elevated wbc

Path:Neoplastic reticular cells with little cytoplasm extending beyond marrow space through haversian system out subperiosteally where elicits periosteal callus reaction


Rx:Radiation to primary w multiagent chemotherapy w vincristine, dactinomycin, doxorubicin, + cyclophosphamide, or others like osfamide and etoposide (Nejm 2003;348:694) to cover micromets