Cause:Genetic; autosomal recessive, 2 types; less common autosomal dominant, 2 types
Pathophys:Premature degeneration and calcification of elastic fibers. Angioid streaks are tears in Bruch's membrane, which look like brown jagged streaks radiating from the optic disc (pictureNejm 1997;337:829)
Sx:Onset of sx between age 20-50 yr usually, though may be present at birth
60% have all 3
GI bleeding (10%), especially common in pregnancy (Grönblad-Strandberg syndrome)
Lab: Path:Skin bx shows diagnostic granular accumulations of basophilic material with calcium in middle and lower dermis, stains like elastic tissue but is periodic like collagen, especially in scars (Nejm 1987;317:347)
Xray:Calcified falx cerebri