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General Reference

Nejm 2002;346:591; 1997;337:396

Pathophys and Cause

Cause:70% genetic including 5% of the morbidly obese w melanocortin-4 receptor gene (MC4R) (Nejm 2003;348:1085, 1096, 1160) mutations altering alpha MSHormone, and another significant % w leptin receptor gene mutations. Little environmental impact (twin studies—Nejm 1990;322:1477, 1483)


Many theories:


Prevalence incr in US, ~18% in 1998 (Jama 1999;282:1519), and varies inversely w breastfeeding duration as infant (Jama 2001;285:2453, 2461, 2506)

Signs and Symptoms

Sx:Frequently pts falsely report more activity and less intake than actual amounts, and falsely ascribe inability to lose weight to genetic resistance (Nejm 1992;327:1893)

Si:Triceps skin fold >23 mm; BP elevated (increased renin and aldosterone—Nejm 1981;304:930); gteq.gif30 kg/m2, or 20+% over ideal body wgt (formula for IDBW: men = 106 lb + 6 lb/in over 5 ft; for women = 100 lb + 5 lbs/in over 5 ft)


Obesity in adolescence is associated w markedly decreased lifetime comparable to smoking (Ann IM 2003;138:24); also w lower education, incomes, and marriage rates, unlike other chronic disease states; is it genetics, discrimination, or both? (Nejm 1993;329:1008, 1076)


Fatty liver w hepatocellular enzyme elevation and low level of subsequent cirrhosis very prevalent. Higher in diabetics and those w full metabolic syndrome; prognosis correlates best w cardiovascular risk (Nejm 2010;363:1341).

Sleep apnea (Obstructive Sleep Apnea); osteoarthritis of knees (Ann IM 1988;109:18); gallstones with weight loss (Nejm 1988;319:1567); fatty liver (75%) (Ann IM 2000;132:112); ASHD, diabetes, CHF (incid incr 5%—[Framingham] Nejm 2002;347:305) hypertension, premature death (Jama 1999;282:1523, 1530; Ann IM 1985;103:977); incr in almost all Ca's by up to 50% in severely obese (Nejm 2002;348:1625) including cervical and breast cancers and less frequent screening for them (Ann IM 2000;132:697)

r/o night eating syndrome (Jama 1999;282:657, 689)


Rx:(Ann IM 2005;142:525)

Prevent gallstone formation w ursodeoxycholic acid 300 mg po bid or 600 mg qd, NNT = 4 (Ann IM 1995;122:899), cost $140/mo


Exercise program, 45 min at 60-80% maximal pulse 3 ×/wk helps weight and HDL (Nejm 1991;326:461) no matter the genetic predisposition (Ann IM 1999;130:873)

Medications (ACP J Club 2008;148:50; Ann IM 2005;142:532): all of marginal benefit

Surgical (Nejm 2007;356:2176) gastric Roux-en-Y bypass, adjustable banding or stapling or plication; 3 mo- and 1-yr mortalities = 2% and 6%, respectively, worse w older pts and less experienced surgeons (Jama 2005;294:1903, 1909, 1919, 1957, 1960) at 5 yr, 20% failure, 50% benefiting; if BMI >34 in men or >38 in women, survivals at 10+ yr significantly better (Sweden—Nejm 2007;357:741,753); adverse effects: bacterial overgrowth causing diarrhea and malabsorption, B12 and iron commonly (Ann Int Med 1996;124:469); fatty liver, cirrhosis, gallstones (Nejm 1974;290:921); immune complex arthritis, rash (Ann IM 1980;93:557), and nephritis (Ann IM 1976;84:594); uric acid renal stones (20%) and hyperoxaluria; polyneuropathy, esp position sense, even in stapled patients (Ann IM 1982;96:453); metronidazole (Flagyl) 0.75-2 gm qd po helps all cmplc of blind loop; dumping syndrome w reactive hypoglycemia and islet cell hypertrophy/hyperreactivity (Nejm 2005;353:249)

Surgical liposuction, “tumescent” method w sc lidocaine + epinephrine has cmplc of sudden death (5 cases—Nejm 1999;340:1471)