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General Reference

Nejm 2004;350:1211

Pathophys and Cause

Cause:A clonal myeloproliferative disease, most due to a dominant "gain-of-function" mutation of JAK2 gene on short arm of chromosome 9, which may manifest as P. vera, thrombocythemia, or myelofibrosis (Nejm 2006;355:2452; 2005;352:1779)

Pathophys:Excess clonal production of defective platelets


Prevalence = 5/10 000, while that of benign thrombocytosis = 8% in high-prevalence populations (Ann IM 2003;139:470)

Signs and Symptoms

Sx:Bruises, melena, hematemesis, etc.

Si:Purpura, bleeding; splenomegally (40%)


Benign in young


CVA and seizures (Ann IM 1984;100:513); ERYTHROMELALGIA= attacks of redness and burning of extremities relieved for days by one aspirin, a platelet microvascular disorder (Ann IM 1985;102:466)

r/o: Vast majority of elevations are transient or benign thrombocythemias (Ann IM 2003;139:470); reactive causes of elevated platelets, all w no effect on clotting: stress, acute blood loss, acute infection, exercise, malignancy, Fe deficiency, s/p splenectomy, hemolytic anemia, chronic infection, drugs like vincristine

Lab and Xray


Chem:Pseudohyperkalemia, acid phosphatase, and LDH elevated; plasma levels normal but increased in test tube due to platelet contraction

Hem:Platelets, some giant, increased usually >1 million but function may be diminished, eg, by thromboplastin generation test or response to epinephrine (Ann IM 1975;82:506); levels between 400 000 and 1 million are usually reactive in etiology.

Basophils increased >40/mm3. Marrow shows increased megakaryocyte size, inappropriately large for platelet count, unlike CML and reactive causes of elevated platelets

JAK2 gene mutation; if present, rules out benign reactive thrombocytosis



ASA 100 mg po qd

of sx like recurrent thrombosis or abnormal clotting studies and planned surgery: