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Pathophys and Cause

Cause:A clonal myeloproliferative disease; most due to a dominant "gain-of-function" mutation of JAK2 gene on short arm of chromosome 9, which may manifest as P. vera, thrombocythemia, or myelofibrosis (Nejm 2006;355:2452; 2005;352:1779)

Pathophys:Excessive production of rbcs causes elevated crit, sludging at crits >60% only (Nejm 1970;283:183); increased cellular breakdown causing gout; venous distention and headache; increased atherosclerosis, unclear why


Male > female. Incidence = 3/10 000/5 yr, while that of benign idiopathic polycythemia = 51/10 000K/5 yr (Ann IM 2003;139:470)

Signs and Symptoms

Sx:Headache, dizziness, warm bath-induced pruritus (Nejm 1972;286:845)

Si:Splenomegaly (75%), hepatomegaly, red sclerae (r/o conjunctivitis), plethora


3% annual mortality, 3.5%/yr incidence of thrombotic events (Ann IM 1995;123:656)


Gout; thromboembolic diseases; erythromelalgia (Thrombocythemia); Budd-Chiari due to hepatic venous occlusion even in occult myeloproliferative disease, ie, may be 1st sx esp in young female (Ann IM 1985;103:329)

r/o other etiologies of high crit:

Lab and Xray





Maintain crit <45% with phlebotomies; ASA 81-325 mg po qd halves thromboembolic cmplc rates (Nejm 2003;350:113) but may worsen pulmonary hypertension (Jama 2009;302:1444)

Possibly interferon-alpha.gif2b sc tiw (Ann IM 1993;119:1091)

ChemoRx worsens prognosis by increasing neoplasms (Ann IM 1995;123:656) but over age 45-50 yr hydroxyurea stroke prevention may be worth the AML risk if splenomegally, high platelets, and intolerant of phlebotomies