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Lipase is a glycopotein, produced primarily in the pancreas and to a small degree the mouth and stomach. Pancreatic lipase secreted into the duodenum aides the breakdown of dietary fats and triglycerides into fatty acids and glycerol in the presence of bile salts and colipase. These breakdown products can then be absorbed and transported across the bowel wall into the portal circulation.

The serum lipase test measures the amount of the enzyme lipase in the blood. Elevated levels occur principally from damage of pancreatic acinar cells with resulting release of lipase into the blood stream.


The clinical utility of the lipase test includes:

Additional information

Nl Result

Consult your laboratory for their normal ranges as these may vary somewhat from the ones listed below.

Conv. Units
SI Units
Critical values>600>10

High Result

Conditions associated with elevated serum lipase levels include:

Low Result
