Assess for and provide a safe environment for the patient at all times. Identify patients at risk and environments that may pose a risk. Previous falls, cerebrovascular injury, neuromuscular disorders, loss of balance, and use of ambulatory and other assistive devices are contributory risk factors (see Chart 1.3). Prevention of complications and management of risk factors are an important part of the intratest phase. As part of risk management, observe standard precautions and infection control protocols as necessary (see Appendix A).
Use special care during procedures that require iodine and barium contrasts, radiopharmaceuticals, latex products, sedation, and analgesia. Certain risk factors contribute to a higher incidence of adverse reactions when contrast agents and radiopharmaceuticals are used (Table 1.5). Remove jewelry, false teeth, and other prosthetic devices as necessary. Check for NPO or fasting status if appropriate.