Retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) analysis evaluates for glaucoma by use of microscopic laser technology to precisely measure the thickness of the RNFL of the eye and is recorded in computerized data for analysis. It is this nerve layer that receives and transmits images and gives us vision.
Tell the patient that dilation of the eye is not necessary.
Have the patient sit upright in the examining chair.
Place the patient's forehead and chin in cuplike holders and check one eye at a time. Twenty sectional images are obtained in <1 second and then analyzed to determine thickness of the nerve layer.
Abnormal appearance of the optic nerve is associated with changes in the eye that occur in glaucoma. Changes may be associated with vision loss.
Pretest Patient Care
Explain test purpose and procedure. Tell the patient that there is no pain or discomfort associated with this test and that there are no bright flashes of light.
Tell the patient that contact lenses may be left in place.
Follow guidelines in Chapter 1 for safe, effective, informed pretest care.
Posttest Patient Care
Evaluate outcomes, counsel appropriately, and explain if there is need for further testing and possible treatment of abnormal outcomes. Modify the nursing care plan as needed.
Follow guidelines in Chapter 1 for safe, effective, informed posttest care.