There are several key elements that must be considered and applied in order to ensure safe, effective, informed care throughout the pretest, intratest, and posttest phases.
Interfering Factors
Minimize test outcome deviations by following proper test protocols. Make certain the patient and their significant others know what should occur and what is expected of them. Written instructions are very helpful to remind patients of expectations.
Reasons for deviations may include the following:
Incorrect specimen collection, handling, storage, or labeling
Wrong preservative or lack of preservative
Delayed specimen delivery resulting in old or deteriorating specimens
Incorrect or incomplete patient preparation
Hemolyzed blood samples
Incomplete sample collection, especially of timed samples
Patient factors that can alter test results may include the following:
Incorrect pretest diet
Current drug therapy
Type of illness
Position or activity at time of specimen collection
Postprandial status
Time of day
Level of patient knowledge and understanding of and cooperation with the testing process
Nonadherence or noncompliance with instructions and pretest preparation
Undisclosed drug or alcohol use
Age and gender