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Several kits containing transport media are available for use when there is a significant delay between collection and culturing. Culture swabs (containing transport medium) are available for bacterial, viral, and anaerobic collection of specimens. Some laboratories provide Cary-Blair and polyvinyl alcohol or non–mercury-based fixative transport vials for stool collection for culture and ova and parasite examination, respectively. Depending on the request, some specimens may have to be shipped in a Styrofoam box with refrigerant packs. This is especially true for specimens to be tested for viral examination. It is prudent to consult the reference laboratory to which specimens will be sent for information on proper collection and shipment.

According to the Code of Federal Regulations (49 CFR Part 173), a viable organism or its toxin or a diagnostic specimen (volume less than 50 mL) must be placed in a secure, closed, watertight container that is then enclosed in a second secure, watertight container. Biohazard labels should be placed on the outside of the container.

Specimens that are to be transported within an institution should be placed in a sealed biohazard bag. Ideally, the requisition should accompany the specimen but not be sealed inside the bag.