Overview of X-Ray Studies / 703
Use of Contrast Agents / 704
Adverse Reactions to Contrast Agents / 704
Clinical Considerations When Iodine Contrast Agents Are Used / 704
Clinical Considerations When Barium Contrast Is Used / 707
Risks of Radiation / 708
Safety Measures / 710
General Precautions / 710
Precautions to Be Used With Pregnant Patients / 710
Responsibilities in Ordering, Scheduling, and Sequencing X-Ray Examinations / 711
Plain (Conventional) Radiography (X-Rays) / 711
Chest Radiography (Chest X-Ray) / 711
Mammogram (Breast X-Ray) / 714
Orthopedic Radiography (Orthopedic X-Ray) / 719
Abdominal Radiography (Abdominal X-Ray): Plain Film or KUB (Kidney, Ureters, Bladder); Scout Film; Acute Abdominal Series / 721
Contrast Radiography / 722
Gastric Radiography: Upper GI (UGI) Series / 723
Small Bowel Follow-Through / 724
Lower GI Radiography: Barium Enema; Air Contrast Study; Defecography / 726
Cholangiogram (Bile Duct X-Ray) / 730
Intravenous Pyelogram (IVP) / 731
Retrograde Pyelogram / 735
Arthrogram (Joint X-Ray) / 736
Myelogram / 737
Hysterosalpingogram (Uterine and Fallopian Tube X-Rays) / 739
Angiogram; Digital Subtraction Angiography / 741
Lymphangiogram (Lymph Node/Vessel X-Rays) / 744
Computed Tomography (CT) / 746
Head (Cranial/Brain) CT; Neck CT / 747
Full-Body CT / 749