Stress Test Algorithm - Flowchart
Stress Test Algorithm - Flowchart Angina Pectoris Angina Pectoris

Patient needs stress test

Patient needs stress test

Patient needs stress test

GXT with treadmill

GXT with treadmill

GXT with treadmill

Pharmacologic stress with nuclear myocardial perfusion imaging7

Pharmacologic stress with nuclear myocardial perfusion imaging7

Pharmacologic stress with nuclear myocardial perfusion imaging7

7 7

Pharmacologic echo8

Pharmacologic echo8

Pharmacologic echo8





Nuclear imaging with stress exercise

Nuclear imaging with stress exercise

Nuclear imaging with stress exercise

Bicycle echo

Bicycle echo

Bicycle echo

Stress test criteria

24 hours caffeine free for chemical test. Beta-blocker within 48 hours may reduce sensitivity of chemical stress test.
Two sets of negative cardiac markers.
Patient is able to exercise and has appropriate footwear.
In patients with higher levels of clinical suspicion, consider adding nuclear myocardial perfusion imaging to improve sensitivity.

Stress test criteria

24 hours caffeine free for chemical test. Beta-blocker within 48 hours may reduce sensitivity of chemical stress test.
Two sets of negative cardiac markers.
Patient is able to exercise and has appropriate footwear.
In patients with higher levels of clinical suspicion, consider adding nuclear myocardial perfusion imaging to improve sensitivity.

Stress test criteria

Stress test criteria

24 hours caffeine free for chemical test. Beta-blocker within 48 hours may reduce sensitivity of chemical stress test.
Two sets of negative cardiac markers.
Patient is able to exercise and has appropriate footwear.
In patients with higher levels of clinical suspicion, consider adding nuclear myocardial perfusion imaging to improve sensitivity.

24 hours caffeine free for chemical test. Beta-blocker within 48 hours may reduce sensitivity of chemical stress test.
Two sets of negative cardiac markers.
Patient is able to exercise and has appropriate footwear.
In patients with higher levels of clinical suspicion, consider adding nuclear myocardial perfusion imaging to improve sensitivity.


1 Typical angina: (1) Substernal chest pain or discomfort that is (2) provoked by exertion or emotional stress and (3) relieved by rest and/or nitroglycerin

2 Cardiac marker timing: based on symptom onset; in cases of uncertainty assume symptom onset at ED arrival

3 ECG normal: no significant ST depression/T wave inversions, BBB, LVH with repolarization, conduction defect, digoxin effect

4 Anginal equivalent:

Any symptoms that the physician feels may represent ACS
Exertional dyspnea—most common anginal equivalent symptom

5 ACS:

STE-ACS—1 mm ST elevation in 2 leads

NSTEMI—positive cardiac biomarkers
Unstable angina—ischemia with negative biomarkers

6 New significant ECG changes:

ST s 0.5 mm; resolve when asymptomatic
ST depression 1 mm in 2 leads
T wave inversion 2 mm in 2 leads

7 Regadenoson is preferred agent for chemical nuclear stress test. Technetium Tc 99m tetrofosmin is the preferred tarcer.


1 Typical angina: (1) Substernal chest pain or discomfort that is (2) provoked by exertion or emotional stress and (3) relieved by rest and/or nitroglycerin

2 Cardiac marker timing: based on symptom onset; in cases of uncertainty assume symptom onset at ED arrival

3 ECG normal: no significant ST depression/T wave inversions, BBB, LVH with repolarization, conduction defect, digoxin effect

4 Anginal equivalent:

Any symptoms that the physician feels may represent ACS
Exertional dyspnea—most common anginal equivalent symptom

5 ACS:

STE-ACS—1 mm ST elevation in 2 leads

NSTEMI—positive cardiac biomarkers
Unstable angina—ischemia with negative biomarkers

6 New significant ECG changes:

ST s 0.5 mm; resolve when asymptomatic
ST depression 1 mm in 2 leads
T wave inversion 2 mm in 2 leads

7 Regadenoson is preferred agent for chemical nuclear stress test. Technetium Tc 99m tetrofosmin is the preferred tarcer.



1 Typical angina: (1) Substernal chest pain or discomfort that is (2) provoked by exertion or emotional stress and (3) relieved by rest and/or nitroglycerin

1 Typical angina 1

2 Cardiac marker timing: based on symptom onset; in cases of uncertainty assume symptom onset at ED arrival

2 Cardiac marker timing: 2

3 ECG normal: no significant ST depression/T wave inversions, BBB, LVH with repolarization, conduction defect, digoxin effect

3 3 ECG normal:

4 Anginal equivalent:

4 4 Anginal equivalent:

Any symptoms that the physician feels may represent ACS
Exertional dyspnea—most common anginal equivalent symptom

Any symptoms that the physician feels may represent ACS
Exertional dyspnea—most common anginal equivalent symptom

5 ACS:

5 5 ACS:

STE-ACS—1 mm ST elevation in 2 leads

NSTEMI—positive cardiac biomarkers
Unstable angina—ischemia with negative biomarkers

STE-ACS—1 mm ST elevation in 2 leads

NSTEMI—positive cardiac biomarkers
Unstable angina—ischemia with negative biomarkers

NSTEMI—positive cardiac biomarkers
Unstable angina—ischemia with negative biomarkers

6 New significant ECG changes:

6 6 New significant ECG changes:

ST s 0.5 mm; resolve when asymptomatic
ST depression 1 mm in 2 leads
T wave inversion 2 mm in 2 leads

ST s 0.5 mm; resolve when asymptomatic
ST depression 1 mm in 2 leads
T wave inversion 2 mm in 2 leads

7 Regadenoson is preferred agent for chemical nuclear stress test. Technetium Tc 99m tetrofosmin is the preferred tarcer.

7 7 Regadenoson

Can patient exercise?

Can patient exercise?

Can patient exercise?







ECG normal; absence of DM3

ECG normal; absence of DM3

ECG normal; absence of DM3

3 3







ACS, Acute coronary syndrome; BBB, bundle branch block; DM, diabetes mellitus; ECG, electrocardiogram; echo, echocardiography; ED, emergency department; GTX, graded exercise test; LVH, left ventricular hypertrophy; NSTE, non-ST-segment elevation; NSTEMI, NSTE myocardial infarction; STE, ST-segment elevation; y/o, years old.

ACS, Acute coronary syndrome; BBB, bundle branch block; DM, diabetes mellitus; ECG, electrocardiogram; echo, echocardiography; ED, emergency department; GTX, graded exercise test; LVH, left ventricular hypertrophy; NSTE, non-ST-segment elevation; NSTEMI, NSTE myocardial infarction; STE, ST-segment elevation; y/o, years old.

ACS, Acute coronary syndrome; BBB, bundle branch block; DM, diabetes mellitus; ECG, electrocardiogram; echo, echocardiography; ED, emergency department; GTX, graded exercise test; LVH, left ventricular hypertrophy; NSTE, non-ST-segment elevation; NSTEMI, NSTE myocardial infarction; STE, ST-segment elevation; y/o, years old.


Is patient <40 y/o?

Is patient <40 y/o?

Is patient <40 y/o?







Is patient <40 y/o?

Is patient <40 y/o?

Is patient <40 y/o?





