Urgent Investigation in Hypothermia
- Blood glucose (raised blood glucose (1020 mmol/L) is common (due to insulin resistance) and should not be treated with insulin because of the risk of hypoglycaemia on rewarming)
- Creatinine and electrolytes (renal failure may be due to hypovolaemia/hypotension and rhabdomyolysis)
- Liver function tests
- Creatine kinase
- Full blood count
- C-reactive protein
- Arterial pH, gases and lactate (severe hypothermia results in metabolic acidosis)
- Blood and urine culture
- Thyroid function (if age >50 or suspected thyroid disease) (for later analysis)
- Blood and urine for toxicology screen if no other cause for hypothermia is evident
- ECG (Figure 107.2)
- Chest X-ray
- X-ray pelvis and hips if history of a fall or clinical signs of fractured neck of femur